Your Chinese organ systems: Part one

Your Chinese organ systems: Part one

Part 1 in a three-part series where I explain how I think about the organ systems within the context of Chinese medicine, including the Lung, Large Intestine, Stomach, and Spleen.

Nervous system reset: A short case study


I had a great experience over the weekend. A patient who has been busy enough this spring that I haven't seen her in a while came for an appointment. She has had a lot of ups and downs lately and realized that she needed to rest and recharge with some self-care. We caught up on how she's been doing since her last visit, I put in some needles for relaxation and to boost her qi, and I left her to rest on my heated table in the warm dark room for about half an hour. The first thing this patient said to me when I came back in the room was, "I feel as though my nervous system has been reset." It was what she needed to restore focus, calm her mind, and feel energized. I was so pleased to be a part of her healing.So what does this mean for you? Well, it gives you an idea of the type of things acupuncture can do. Even if your body is feeling pretty good, your mind and spirit can be a little run down. It happens to all of us sometimes just from living our busy lives. One hour-long session (at the beautiful Tribe Healing Arts Center) can be enough to lift your spirits, smooth out tangled emotions, or help clear your mind. If you've never had acupuncture before, this little story might help you see that you don't need to feel sick or have any definable health problem to make an appointment with me. If you have had acupuncture but it's been a while, check in with yourself and see if you're due for a tune-up!You can book a first-time or returning patient appointment here on my website, from my Facebook page, or by going directly to my Square booking site.