I have had a lot of fun over the past couple of months creating week-long Instagram posts sharing my view of Chinese herbs that are also foods we eat every day, the Chinese organ systems, Chinese herbs you might see around your neighborhood, the seasons, and the elements. This week I wanted to bring my focus back to my practice and something I feel is very important—the mind-body connection. This leads me to try to talk about something a little more complicated that I felt needed more of an explanation and introduction than I could offer via Instagram—hence, this post!
We’re going to spend a week focused on just 5 emotions (of course there are really a million) and how they affect the movement of qi (energy, basically) in our bodies. Each emotion has classically been assigned an organ and an element, and there are lines of text expressing how an excess of each emotion can make the qi move in particular ways. None of that comes from my imagination. What I want to offer is a bridge between the poetry of Chinese medicine and the beginning of an understanding I hope we can all share regarding how our feelings can create physical sensations in our bodies.
Each emotion has a positive and negative side, and I hope to highlight both of those every day. Please comment with any thoughts these posts bring up for you. I’d love to hear your experience with the emotions!